Clean50 Top Project Award

The Smart Energy Company Wins a National Clean50 Top Project Award

We’ve always believed in the power of innovation and sustainability. Our journey to create the NOREASTER micro solar farm kit is a testament to our commitment to making a positive impact in New Brunswick. That being said, we are thrilled to announce that this project has earned us a Clean50 Top Project Award, and we couldn’t have received this recognition if it wasn’t for our incredible customers.

The Story of the NOREASTER

Two years ago, our journey began with a vision—to develop a Micro-Solar Farm Kit capable of enduring the harsh climate of Atlantic Canada, a region where farmers contend with the harshest of elements daily. Our mission was clear: help farmers to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The answer to this was the NOREASTER, a modularized solar farm kit purposely designed to withstand the fierce winds and weather conditions of the region, offered in convenient 10kWp sections.

Partnering with Farmers

Understanding that farmers are known for their resourcefulness, we decided to engage in a collaborative approach. We aimed to find a farming partner who could construct a micro-solar farm system on their property with minimum external support. The plan was simple: demonstrate that a farmer could assemble a 100kW solar farm by following our instruction manual, with our team offering technical oversight and guidance as needed.

McCrea Farms, a family-run dairy farm renowned for their commitment to environmental stewardship, embraced the opportunity to be the pioneer in installing our solar farm kit. Although not without its challenges, McCrea Farms preserved, working through the instruction manual and providing valuable insights to simplify the process. The end result was a success, with McCrea Farms now proudly offsetting their energy needs with a fully operational 100kW NOREASTER Micro-Solar Farm.

A Future for the NOREASTER

We have witnessed a transformation in how farmers and businesses approach renewable energy. The success of McCrea Farms and our NOREASTER micro solar farm has served as an inspiring example to the farming community. It is evident that sustainable solutions can be practical, accessible, and economically beneficial, making renewable energy adoption more appealing.

The NOREASTER has now become a driving force within New Brunswick, with more than 50% of solar energy connected to the grid, resulting in a reduction of 1,110 tons of eCO2 emissions annually. As we move forward, we’re thrilled about the opportunities ahead as we extend our reach to the rest of Atlantic Canada.

If you know a farmer that wants to reduce their electricity costs and GHG emissions tell them to check out to build their very own NOREASTER Smart Energy Farm today!

Click the link below to read the full article


Happy Earth Day!