Putting Some Sunshine in your Pocket - The Smart Energy Way

By: Matthew Conradi

August 2020

As solar arrays begin to pop up more frequently all around New Brunswick, many business and home owners are becoming increasingly curious of the financial benefits this technology has to offer. 

Salisbury, NB

Salisbury, NB

How can solar benefit me?

The financial benefits to be had with a shiny new solar array can be explained with some pretty rudimentary farm animal comparisons. 

Most individuals rely on a farmer or a local grocery store to provide them with their eggs, in the same way that most rely on a utility company to provide them with their electricity. The advantage to raising your own chickens is similar to that of producing your own electricity, in that you take full control of the supply, and therefore, protect yourself from cost fluctuations. 

So you want to take action?

Referring once again to our chicken egg scenario, let us assume you have decided that egg prices have become much too volatile for your liking, and that you will raise your own chickens and protect yourself from rising egg costs. First things first, you go out and buy a chicken. You may not be particularly familiar with chickens, but this one has feathers, a beak, and happily clucks when it is spoken to, so it should do the trick. 

In reality, however, you are likely to encounter a number of obstacles along the way. There are plenty of outside factors that will affect your chicken’s egg production. If the coop is not kept at the right temperature, your chicken will be very resentful, and will not lay as frequently. Perhaps there are even some weasels in the neighbourhood looking to steal your beloved chicken, and you will need to implement some sort of means of defense! When you assume control of the entire supply, you must be sure everything is done properly, and your investment is protected. 

Similarly, there are plenty of factors that must be carefully considered when dealing with a solar installation, in order to ensure your electricity production is maximized. Instead of worrying about weasels however, you need to worry about how the weather might affect your system, and how all the electrical components should be laid out in order to operate as efficiently as possible. 

Generating your own electricity with a solar array really can be compared, to a certain degree, to raising chickens. Instead of having to purchase a chicken and a coop, you purchase a metal structure and some solar panels. Before you know it, you are producing your own electricity for less money than you would pay a utility company for it.

The technology is ready for you!

Solar for your business or home certainly comes at an initial cost, much like anything in life. The difference between generating your own electricity and purchasing it from a utility company is the added financial benefits from owning your own asset, as well as protecting yourself from fluctuations in utility rates.   

We are here to ensure you receive a solar design which works for you, consistently and reliably, allowing for the best possible return on your investment in a clean, sustainable energy supply. 

Moncton, NB

Moncton, NB


Using Solar to Build a More Resilient Farming Community in NB


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