Coffee With The CEO - A Christmas Blog

By: Matthew Conradi

december, 2020

My morning coffee will always remain an integral part of my daily routine. Most days my coffee is nothing more than a vehicle for caffeine, consumed at a rate which would suggest some serious dependence issues, to supplement another night of rest. This is unfortunate, because I think we often take for granted the power which coffee holds, not only in terms of giving us the jitters, but in bringing us together.

Today, my coffee won’t be chugged during the morning commute, or dumped all over my keyboard amidst a bulk email delete.

Today, I have coffee with our CEO, Mark McAloon.

My conversations with Mark vary greatly in nature: Marketing strategy, industry news, smart-grids, how photons work, how my project car is coming along, or what Mark built in Minecraft over the weekend.

In the spirit of the Christmas season, our team has been reflecting on how grateful we are to have the opportunity to foster healthy growth in our community, and to promote environmental responsibility for generations to come. Today, Mark and I suit up in our Christmas attire (one being notably more obnoxious than the next) for a good old fashioned Q&A.

It’s my hope that the following Q&A will serve as a window into not only the mind of our CEO, but into what we do as a company, and how our team is working hard to get there.

What prompted you to start a solar energy company in new brunswick?

This wasn’t something that happened overnight. It’s where I’ve ended up naturally as an entrepreneur raising a family in New Brunswick, and someone who just happens to really love this industry.

What is the main objective of the smart energy company™?

To help farmers, businesses, and municipalities produce their own electricity using solar on their side of the meter. We’re doing this while reducing New Brunswick’s overall carbon footprint, and creating jobs in our community.

Why solar?

Good question. Energy from the sun is the ultimate renewable energy source. Using solar panels to produce electricity is actually quite easy, and not as expensive as it was just a few years ago. It’s actually less expensive for a business to produce electricity with solar than it is to buy it from the utility company.

Where is the biggest opportunity for growth in the solar industry?

I think every business owner and municipality in the province will be installing solar over the next few years. After making facilities more energy efficient, generating electricity with solar is the next natural step for those enterprises who care about their social equity, and their carbon footprint.

What have been the biggest challenges the company has encountered?

Every entrepreneur out there would probably agree that growing a business from scratch is an exceptionally difficult challenge. I couldn’t begin to list all the challenges we’ve faced over the past four years. What I can say is that surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded people is absolutely essential to overcome the challenges any business has.

How has covid-19 impacted the solar industry?

I think people are beginning to realize how delicate our ecosystem really is. It has provided new focus on sustainability, resilience, and independence. These are all things that solar can offer, so we are seeing a lot more interest.

What are your goals for 2021?

We are expanding our business this year as a manufacturer and supplier of solar energy packages. NOREASTER® is becoming more like a solar farm in a box. It is a complete, pre-certified packaged system that gets delivered to your property, ready to assemble. This means farmers and business owners have the option to build 90 percent of it themselves, or use a local general contractor of their choice. We then provide technical support and commissioning through a certified installer network. This translates to upwards of 40 percent in savings, and the owner can produce electricity for about half of what they are paying today - while enjoying the added benefit of reducing their carbon footprint.

How does a solar energy company measure success?

We have a lot of metrics to measure business performance, but my favourite one is the creation of new jobs. I find it so rewarding to see our team grow and evolve.

What do you attribute the company’s successs to?

The support of my family and the amazing people on our team is what keeps us going behind the scenes, but it’s the relationships with our partners and people in the community that enable us to be successful.


Going into our 5th year of operations, we have installed almost half of all the solar capacity on the grid in New Brunswick. Our team has also created a first-of-its-kind solar product, made in New Brunswick and specifically designed for our climate. I’m proud that the work we do is making a difference.

A Message From The CEO:

I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks from our entire team, to all of those who have supported us in working to empower the transition to sustainable energy in New Brunswick. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season, and a prosperous 2021.

- Mark McAloon


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